Selected Partners and Networks
The aim of the research activities at the DFIU is to develop joint solutions for environmental problems in the German-French context and beyond in international, interdisciplinary teams. Our activities include the topics of energy, mobility, circular economy, risk management, air, water and land use as well as area management. Detailed information on current research topics and ongoing projects can be found on the pages of the individual research groups.
The research of the DFIU
is international across various national borders.
- Dealing with environmental issues requires cross-border cooperation between all relevant actors from science, business and politics. Scientifically based, transnational environmental research plays an important role here, as it creates the basis for environmentally friendly decisions at the political, social and economic levels. Our research activities are therefore carried out in close cooperation with selected international research institutions, government institutions and other affected stakeholders in the relevant countries or regions. A characteristic of working in international teams is that specific questions are dealt with on a project basis.
- The research into environmental problems and the assessment of the resulting risks for people and ecosystems are complex and require a cooperative approach involving partners from different fields of knowledge. The DFIU therefore cooperates with research partners from Germany and abroad with complementary skills to develop solutions for common environmental problems.
- transdisciplinary across different social groups In order to show decision-makers suitable political and cross-border options for action, the DFIU cooperates via existing networks with political and industrial actors as well as citizens in various countries (particularly in Germany, France and Switzerland). Only through lived transdisciplinarity is it possible to test solutions to environmental problems in practice, to ensure social acceptance and ultimately to implement them
Third-party research is carried out for the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), the European Union (INTERREG Upper Rhine), the Federal Environment Agency, the State of Baden-Württemberg, ADEME/France, various ministries such as the BMBF and BMWi, foundations and industry, among others. A list of current and completed third-party funded research projects can be found here.
DFIU is also involved in various networks:
Since 2013, DFIU has been working closely with TRION-climate e.V. on various topics in the areas of energy and mobility. TRION is a German-French-Swiss network of energy and climate actors in the trinational metropolitan region of the Upper Rhine. The network aims to promote environmental protection by regional cross-border pooling of synergy effects in the field of climate and energy. This purpose is pursued through, among other things, events, training courses, visits for climate and energy actors, or by providing trinational data and comparative studies as a foundation for political decision-making.
Franco-German Office for Energy system transformation (DFBEW) The DFBEW is a member of the DFBEW, an information and networking platform with the aim of connecting various actors involved in the energy system transformation in Germany and France. The scope of action includes the renewable energy sources wind, photovoltaics, and biogas as well as numerous topics related to the energy system transformation, such as market and system integration of renewable energies, energy storage, security of supply, sector coupling and renewable heat, and aspects of energy efficiency and mobility.
Is a trinational association of the five universities of Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg, and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in the Upper Rhine region. Together, the universities combine the expertise of 15,000 researchers, 13,500 doctoral candidates and 117,000 students in a strong research and economic region between France, Germany, and Switzerland. The aim is to build a clearly profiled scientific region without walls and borders with international appeal.
Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research (URCforSR) In addition to KIT, the other Eucor universities of Basel, Freiburg, Mulhouse, and Strasbourg, University of Koblenz-Landau with its Landau site, and various universities of applied sciences as associated partners are involved in URCforSR. As a research association, the URCforSR on the one hand develops joint excellent, cross-border and interdisciplinary research activities and on the other hand realizes a beacon of knowledge transfer into society. The DFIU is represented on the board of directors by Prof. Fichtner and is involved in several current research projects initiated by the partners of the URCforSR.
French-German Institute for “Industry of the Future“ Is a joint initiative of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Arts et Métiers to promote innovation and accompany the revolution in manufacturing paradigms. In addition to traditional disciplines such as mechanical engineering, the focus is on digitalization, advanced manufacturing processes and the human being as a central component of the factory. The aim is to prepare European engineers for the industry of the future and to promote the strengths in research and innovation in the field of production in both countries in a synergetic way.
Risk Academy The Risk Academy was initiated by the French fire brigade and, in a total of 19 working groups, examines specific risk prevention issues of relevance to the safety of the population and the environment in the Upper Rhine region. The Risk Academy will continue the activities of the SERIOR project for DFIU; at the same time, the project work in the KASTEL IT security project will be extended to the German-French dimension.